1. JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (PI): Application-Aware Trustworthy Quantum Routing Framework with In-Network Computation, 2023.4-2027.3
2. 令和5年度北陸地区国立大学学術研究連携支援, 2023
3. JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (PI): Trustworthy Data Provisioning using In-Network Computation, 2019.4-2023.3
4. Waseda-NICT Joint Project, 2020.4-2021.3
5. JSPS Joint Research: UHD-on-5G: Ultra-high-definition (UHD) video streaming for 5G networks 2016.4-2019.3
6. JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) (PI): Secure and Efficient Data Sharing for Information-Centric IoT, 2016.4-2018.3
7. EU FP7 Grant: Internet of Things Environment for Service Creation and Testing (IoT.est), Project ID: 288385. Funded under: FP7-ICT. http://ict-iotest.eu/iotest/ 2011.10-2014.9 To date implementations of Internet of Things (IoT) architectures are confined to particular application areas and tailored to meet only the limited requirements of their specific applications. To overcome technology & sector boundaries and therefore dynamically design and integrate new types of services and generate new business opportunities requires a dynamic service creation environment that gathers and exploits data and information from sensors and actuators that use different communication technologies/formats. The EU FP7 IoT.est project develops a test-driven service creation environment for Internet of Things enabled business services. The service creation environment will enable the acquisition of data and control/actuation of sensors, objects and actuators. The project provides techniques and tools to describe, publish and instantiate IoT services that exploit data across domain boundaries and facilitate run-time monitoring which enables autonomous service adaptation to environment/context and network parameter (e.g. QoS) changes. IoT.est provides adaptable techniques and solutions for the creation and provision of IoT enabled business services by bringing together the three disciplines Internet of Things, Service Engineering and Testing.
8. NICT internal projects: UniAccess Project, SmartNet Project, ICN Project, Security Architecture Project.
9. Akari project (http://www.nict.go.jp/en/photonic_nw/archi/akari/akari-top_e.html), Japanese National Project to design future networks The AKARI Architecture Design Project was a project for designing a new generation computer network architecture supported by the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) of Japan. The name “AKARI” indicates “A small light in the dark pointing to the future” and it comes from the Japanese word Akari, which means “a small light”. Launched in May 2006, the AKARI Project investigated technologies for new generation network by 2015, developing a network architecture and creating a network design based on that architecture. AKARI is also denoted as a Future Internet project.